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Search For: 1356 - Banii al Nadir

Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic -
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59:2 It is He Who got out the Unbelievers among the People of the Book from their homes at the first gathering (of the forces). Little did ye think that they would get out: And they thought that their fortresses would defend them from Allah. But the (Wrath of) Allah came to them from quarters from which they little expected (it), and cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their dwellings by their own hands and the hands of the Believers, take warning, then, O ye with eyes (to see)!

Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic -
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59:3 And had it not been that Allah had decreed banishment for them, He would certainly have punished them in this world: And in the Hereafter they shall (certainly) have the Punishment of the Fire.

Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic -
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59:4 That is because they resisted Allah and His Messenger. and if any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment.

Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic -
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59:5 Whether ye cut down (O ye Muslim!) The tender palm-trees, or ye left them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order that He might cover with shame the rebellious transgresses.

Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic -
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59:6 What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from them - for this ye made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry: but Allah gives power to His apostles over any He pleases: and Allah has power over all things.